Aurochs University

Learn the power of incentives compensation at Aurochs University.
Discover insights, master strategies, and achieve rewarding success.

Learn the power of incentives compensation at Aurochs University.
Discover insights, master strategies, and achieve rewarding success.

Incentive Plan Types

Types of incentive plans include goal-based, ranking-based, MBO and matrix.

Payout Curve

A payout curve shows how performance affects incentive payouts in a plan.

On Target Earnings

OTE represents variable compensation based on performance.

Frequently asked questions

Is my data secure, and where is it stored?

We are SOC2 Type II certified & GDPR compliant. All the data is stored in client-selected AWS or Azure data centers. We are open to hosting our incentive application on our cloud servers or client cloud servers depending on the requirement of the client IT organization.

Can my salesforce access what-if simulators?

Our incentive scorecards come with integrated calculators and actionable personalized performance nudges.

Do I need to manage workflows manually?

Workflows for disputes, plan acknowledgment, payout approvals, etc. can be set up within the platform.

How do you source my sales & HR data?

We have built-in connectors & APIs with several standard systems and can automate sourcing through SFTP folders.

Can I conduct incentive plan modeling?

Our platform comes with built-in modeling capability and visual performance comparison reports.