by Amit Jain
Management by Objectives is a management strategy which helps in alignment of broader corporate objectives by cascading down higher strategic goals to individual level goals depending on their function and expectations from their role. This approach was most prevalent for higher level roles and in industries with poor quality sales data or in cases where higher volatility in sales is observed. In the pharmaceutical industry until recently, this incentive plan type was primarily seen for managed markets roles and a few managerial roles. With the evolution of sales roles for specialty therapeutic areas, higher collaboration requirements with other teams and stringent compliance regulations, several companies are moving towards a combination of qualitative and quantitative sales performance measures to calculate incentives of their salesforce to account for changing business dynamics.
MBOs may not always be the best solution but there are specific situations when they become one of the key ways to drive right behaviour and retain top performers. Some of the issues highlighted above with MBOs can be easily accounted for in situations when they are designed, implemented and tracked properly. Effective MBO design, deployment and tracking is a systemic process and if adhered to the probability of the success of an MBO program increases manifold.
Most of the current IC solutions focus on quantitative performance measures while relying on error-prone manual adjustments to deal with qualitative measures. To address this problem, it is desirable to have access to a self-service Objectives Management module with the capability to allow for managing MBOs across large salesforces at different levels.
SOP should describe the activities necessary to run the process successfully and deliver desired outputs. This document acts as a “How-to-Guide” to run the process on an ongoing basis. This document should include all the information including any additional manual checks (QCs) that needs to be done on intermediate and final outputs. There should be clear roles and responsibilities defined to avoid any confusion during process run. Required checks and balances should be worked in to ensure that any step is not overlooked by one individual. There should also be provision to track ongoing processes along with some capability to provide sign-offs and approvals. Key benefits of SOPs are:
Create, manage, rate and approve objective sets across the salesforce at different levels Allow for mix-and-match of customized objective effective periods Built in self-evaluation and manager evaluation of objectives Conversational feature for discussing performance on an objective Allows employees to ask managers for guidance resulting in timely intervention in the form of on-job coaching Allows managers to provide ongoing feedback to the employees Multiple rating-systems support
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by Amit Jain
by Sujeet Pillai
by Sujeet Pillai