by Marketing
The world of sales demands a motivated set of employees. Their work can get pretty tiring and require a lot of dedication to achieve the set goals. Although there are several other ways to increase employee engagement and inject a spark of motivation into the company’s atmosphere, Incentive Compensation has proved to be one of the most important and effective ways to drive employees.
An Incentive Compensation plan serves as an important tool for motivating people and retaining outstanding salespeople. Communication also plays a great role in the process. Suppose your company comes up with a brilliant incentive that would do wonders for the company, but if the execution of the same goes wrong due to miscommunication, then the entire idea would just be a waste of time and resources. Not only this, but the sales team would also start to feel alienated and disinterested if they do not have a precise and proper understanding of what is being asked of them. The main objective of an Incentive Compensation plan is to make the sales reps understand what they need to work on, as it acts as a strategic instrument for aligning salesperson behaviour with strategic corporate goals.
Incentive compensation plans can assist a business in different ways, resulting in a more happy workplace setting and higher quality output. Sales Incentives are an important part of the sales world. Customers are often enthused about incentive programs and get constantly immersed, therefore a well-run incentive program is quite helpful in generating market expansion. IC plans can help your company in the following ways:
This should come as no surprise as sales reps, like any other employees, are motivated by incentives. Offering an additional reward for improved efficiency will rapidly and efficiently increase sales. By Introducing an incentive to those who purchase your goods, you can persuade people to switch from the competition. Incentive compensation plans have always shown positive results in any workplace.
Do you know how many of your employees must not be motivated to work as it does not interest them and hence their engagement would be very less. Offering not only financial incentives but other incentives such as the comfort of working from home, a day off as a result of their brilliant performance, permission to come to the office late on a Monday morning, etc. are a few examples of incentives that can be used to increase employee engagement. This will result in more efficiency and a positive, radiant workplace environment.
Make sure you let your employees know that their work is being recognized and appreciated. It would make for a good reason to see your employees happy and driven during the working hours. When they work with full focus, the work would also get done efficiently and produce great output. A happy office that is driven to give nothing but the best outcome will no longer be a dream.
Be wise and design an Incentive plan for it, just maybe the reason that your employees stay loyal to the company. In this generation, you never know who may jump for a new opportunity. There is an ocean full of opportunities that attract the human tribe. A brilliant IC plan would help in reducing the turnover rate.
A group of employees that works together, succeeds together. Offering an incentive would unite the employees to work towards a common goal. This would mean that the task would get the best input of all the employees and hence the outcome would be nothing less than perfect. This would make the employees work together, as a team.
A scorecard is useful because it allows executives to connect the company's vision, purpose, and strategies to the aims and priorities that people strive for. You can use the scorecard to track your personal and career goals as well. It connects people to your firm's goals and objectives, and when everyone in an organization has a scorecard, everyone is on the same page. Employees will be engaged in the most critical activities and personal responsibility will become transparent if a scorecard is established explicitly in measurable terms and particular roles are specified. Each employee's contribution to the organisation is defined by their unique scorecard. It assesses the additional value to the vision's realisation and allows for continuous measurement and helps in monitoring the performance, as well as keeping the user oriented on critical goals. It gives a visual representation of the plan and serves as a starting point for discussions. It also makes the data collection procedure a lot easier. Additionally, the incorporation of what-if calculators in scorecards improves engagement as reps get a better understanding of the impact of improved sales on their earnings. The framework is well-accepted in the business sector, and strategy reporting has become more convenient. The entire procedure is made easier while still being effective through automation.
Incentive compensation is a plan that you need to design and implement after thorough research. It affects the workforce immensely and hence should be planned out effectively.
by Amit Jain
by Sujeet Pillai
by Sujeet Pillai