Navigating Pharmaceutical Sales Ops with Management by Objectives

by Sujeet Pillai

  1. Aug 04, 2022
  2. 4 min read

Having effective ways to manage things is really important for doing well in the pharmaceutical industry. It's a place where things are always changing, and there's a lot of competition. One way that works well for managing sales in the pharmaceutical industry is called 'Management by Objectives' (MBO).

Management by objectives approach aligns teams with corporate goals, maximizes efficiency, fosters collaboration, and drives tangible results. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of Management by Objectives in the pharmaceutical sector and how it revolutionizes Sales Ops.

Understanding Management by Objectives (MBO)

Management by Objectives is a goal-setting framework that establishes a clear collaboration between management and employees to achieve specific objectives. This method requires defining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, creating action plans, and systematically monitoring progress.

In the pharma industry, where each sales decision directly impacts public health and business profitability, MBO provides a structured approach to managing teams and resources.

Relevance to Pharmaceutical Sales Ops

In the fast-paced pharmaceutical landscape, Sales Ops teams ensure products reach patients while maintaining compliance and profitability. MBO proves invaluable in this context by offering several advantages tailored to the unique challenges faced by Sales Ops professionals:

1) Alignment with Organizational Goals: 

The pharmaceutical industry is multifaceted, often encompassing research, development, manufacturing, and marketing. MBO ensures that Sales Ops activities align with overarching business objectives, creating a unified effort across departments.

2) Clear Performance Metrics: 

MBO requires setting measurable objectives, translating to quantifiable performance metrics. For Sales Ops, this might mean increasing market penetration by a certain percentage, improving lead conversion rates, or achieving specific revenue targets. These metrics provide a transparent way to evaluate team performance.

3) Enhanced Collaboration: 

Pharmaceutical Sales Ops often involves cross-functional collaboration with marketing, research, and regulatory departments. MBO fosters collaboration by breaking down silos as teams work together to achieve shared objectives. Regular check-ins and updates further promote interdepartmental cohesion.

4) Focus on Continuous Improvement: 

The pharmaceutical industry is ever-evolving, with regulatory changes and new market dynamics shaping strategies. MBO encourages continuous improvement by regularly reviewing objectives and adapting strategies to align with industry shifts.

5) Motivated and Engaged Teams: 

In Sales Ops, where targets can be demanding, MBO empowers employees by involving them in the goal-setting process. When individuals understand their contributions directly impact objectives, they are more motivated and engaged, increasing productivity.

6) Personalized Development: 

MBO provides a platform for individual growth by identifying areas of improvement and skill development. Sales Ops professionals can set personal objectives aligned with their career aspirations, contributing to individual and team success.


Implementing MBO in Pharmaceutical Sales Ops

To successfully implement Management by Objectives in pharmaceutical Sales Ops, follow these key steps:


1) Define Clear Objectives: 

Work with teams to establish SMART objectives that encompass both quantitative targets (revenue, market share) and qualitative aims (customer satisfaction, compliance).


2) Create Action Plans: 

Break down objectives into actionable steps, assigning responsibilities and deadlines. These plans serve as roadmaps for achieving goals.


3) Regular Progress Tracking: 

Establish a cadence for progress updates and assessments. Regularly review the achievement of objectives, making necessary adjustments based on market dynamics.


4) Open Communication: 

Foster an environment of open communication where teams can discuss challenges, seek support, and share best practices. Regular feedback sessions are crucial for staying on track.


5) Adaptability: 

The pharmaceutical landscape is subject to sudden shifts. MBO's flexibility allows teams to adapt quickly to changing circumstances while keeping long-term objectives in sight.


In Conclusion

In the complex world of pharmaceutical Sales Operations, Management by Objectives emerges as a powerful approach to navigating challenges, streamlining processes, and achieving ambitious goals. By aligning teams, fostering collaboration, and focusing on tangible outcomes, MBO drives success and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

As the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve, embracing MBO might be the catalyst that propels Sales Ops teams toward unparalleled achievements, ultimately benefitting patients, organizations, and the industry as a whole.

If you expect a brilliant performance from your employees and from your organization, then you must also realize the importance of setting clear objectives.

 If the aim is well defined for the workforce, then it becomes easier for them to put their ideas and talent to the best use, which in turn produces efficient and effective results. Clearly defined objectives that are agreed to by both; the management and the employees can be termed Management by Objectives (MBO).

You can think of MBO as a strategy that is meant to enhance a company’s overall performance by improving efficiency. MBO methods are designed to establish an employee’s primary goals, which are then rated using group feedback. This allows all corporate employees to see their efforts concerning the firm’s key priorities as they complete their jobs, increasing consistency between action and consequence and boosting productivity significantly.

Management by Objective can be used by an organization for various reasons. Some of them include:

  • Linking impacted sales data to a specific salesperson can become easier with MBO.
  • If the data quality is poor, you can use MBO to improve the performance.
  • With MBO, you can expect no delay in the availability of final performance data, which saves time.
  • MBO can also be used for non-sales activities such as coaching, training, etc

There are various benefits to choosing the path of MBO. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Planning can be done in such a way that assigns specific tasks to each employee. This task or project can be based on their interests, their qualifications, and their experience. Doing this would make the employee also content and satisfied with the work they are given, and as a result, the productivity and efficiency of the employee will also be maximum.
  2. MBO will also help build a spirit of teamwork among the employees. This will lead to a nurturing environment and promote healthy relations among the workforce. People will happily help their fellow employees in achieving better results.
  3. Employees learn to appreciate their job more through this objective. As the work they have been given becomes very clear, they understand what is required of them to achieve the best possible results. This way, they know in which direction they need to focus their time and efforts.
  4. Employees need appreciation and a sense of loyalty to the organization. MBO divides the work in a way through which each employee’s strength is being used to achieve the target. By doing this, an organization makes its employees feel indispensable to the organization, it makes them realize that their presence is of utmost importance and the organization needs their skills and talent.

Its use of non-sales-driven performance indicators is central to the MBO definition. In a time-limited setting, the tracking paradigm is characterized as evaluating pre-specified objectives with observable results. Individuals’ performance on individual targets is graded by reporting managers, which helps track the manager’s performance as well.

Therefore, you should keep many important factors in mind while designing an MBO plan. It is very crucial for the company’s future performance, as well as each employee’s performance. Involving the team and helping them understand how objectives can assist the organization in achieving bigger objectives, as well as how they can be linked to their achievement, is an important element in the process.

What is the goal of MBO?

MBO helps you identify where the company is lacking. By setting an objective standard, you can cross-check if your team is performing accordingly or not. The areas which are facing problems, whatever the reason may be, can be identified by the managers and can be improved. An increase in efficiency and productivity will result in quicker and better performance.

Management by Objectives is a method used by managers to keep tabs on their employees by establishing a set of clear goals that both the employee and the company want to attain shortly and working toward them. This allows firms to concentrate on the program’s strategic value rather than on operational issues.


Through MBO, businesses can convey their uniqueness as well as their primary concerns and, most importantly, carry them out.

Hear from Our Clients
Working with the Aurochs team has been a pleasure as they know the business very well and there was no need for long explanations on processes/calculations. They were very responsive, came up with suggestions for improvement where needed, and showed a lot of operational readiness and can-do attitude.
Sales Operations Specialist & Manager
Leading Biotechnology Organization
Aurochs team is very responsive, they deliver high quality in design and calculating payout schemes. They always run checks and throughout the project, they informed me in case of any discrepancy they found in legacy SIP calculations. Aurochs were able to implement our requirements in a short period of time.
Business Analytics & Insights Manager
Global Biotechnology Organization
I commissioned Aurochs for a research piece on sales incentives in rare disease therapy. Their insights helped attract and retain top talent of KAM for our EU launch. Aurochs delivered, iterated based on feedback, and influenced incentive schemes in launch countries. The project was valuable and met expectations.
Director, Customer Facing Excellence
Global Pharmaceutical Organization